About us:

Dear visitor, I am Mohammad Ahmadi, the designer and manager of Masbi.com

Masbi history:

In October of 2015, due to my interest and skill in designing dynamic websites, I decided to launch an online website that includes store, marketing, ad station, articles, etc.

One of the unique features of the Masbi site is its simplicity and fluency, so that both regular Internet users and professional users can use it.

Business through the Internet has become popular, and most manufacturing and service companies have turned to the Internet and sell their products through it to find their customers and increase their profits from among the millions of Iranian Internet visitors. For this purpose, Masbi site tries to use methods that are effective and according to the general public's attitude to the Internet, to introduce real customers to real sellers.

There are services such as online store, advertisement station, articles, etc. on Masbi site.

Good luck to all those interested in online business.

Site manager: Mohammad Ahmadi

Site manager email:

If you have questions about a specific product, the phone number of the sales representative is placed at the bottom of the page of that product.

Dollar: 88,987TomansBitcoin: 96,167 $