Store accounting training with Access

Store accounting training with Access

Seller: hamed2007k
Delivery method: File download link
price: 100,000 Tomans ($1.2)
Price chart Price: 60,000 Tomans ($0.7)

Please note that due to the open source nature of the file, programming has no obligation regarding the changes desired by the customer; However, if possible, it will be done with a separate fee. Also, the amount paid is not refundable; Therefore, before buying, be sure to carefully consider the following descriptions and, if necessary, contact the seller or obtain the necessary information through the chat tool of the site.

Store accounting training with Access can be used as a simple store software for educational purposes and is completely open source.

The complete guide file of the project in fifty pages in PDF format, including descriptions of the design of tables, fields and their specifications, establishing relationships between tables, designing queries (Query), forms, reports (Report) and programming codes to specify the function of forms Data entry and...

In this project, a very simple simulation action is also considered: simulating a store, including a server that is a Microsoft Access database.

The seller of this file on this site is also its designer and programmer.


In case of network disconnection, each cashier (user) must be able to continue to record purchase and sale data and other tasks that require access to the database and save and change data, and after establishing a connection with the server, transfer the data to it. or be renewed according to the changes in the data of the Client database.

Note: In this project, server and client are not considered in the real sense. Two completely identical database files are provided for the server and the client. Also, the technique of copying the client database file to the server folder has been used to synchronize the data stored in the client and server databases.

File format: Access 2007, applicable in later versions

The project consists of three main parts:

1. The content folder of the client database file, where the data entered by users is stored.

2. The folder containing the same database file as the server database

3. The program file, which contains all other components, queries, data entry forms and programming codes, and is the program's user interface.

Combining macros, VBA code and queries to automatically perform necessary tasks.

The open source of the program and the possibility of making changes

It has a main form that provides access to other forms and reports with command buttons.

Components and specifications:


Accounts group table, to store the names of account groups such as: expenses, incomes, vendors, customers, funds, bank accounts and various individuals.

Table of accounts and persons, to store the information of different accounts and persons

Goods table: to store the code and description of the goods

Purchase and sale invoice tables, each containing two tables: one for storing invoice summary information and the other for its details including goods, quantity, price.

Tables of accounting documents (receipt and payment, etc.) include two tables, one document summary and the other store debtor/creditor information of different types of accounts.

The ledger table that stores the accounting and sales document information after registering the document in the relevant forms. The information in this table is used to uniform format of data for all documents and to get reports such as newspaper, account circulation, their account balance, etc.

Establishing relationships (Relationships)


including forms for introducing and storing information about accounts and persons, income, expenses, fund, sales and purchase invoices, accounting document (receipt and payment) and the main form that allows access to other parts by clicking the command buttons on it accepts


Removing the document related to the sales invoice at the appropriate time from the ledger table

Remove the document related to the purchase invoice as in the previous case

Deletion of the accounting document as in the previous cases

Preparation of records required for warehouse and inventory reports

Preparation of records required for sales report

Preparation of the required records of the purchase report. Preparation of the required records of the accounts circulation report

Preparation of records required for account balance report

Preparation of records required for other data entry forms such as persons, fund and bank account

Printable reports:

A simple warehouse report that displays the name of the goods, the number of purchases, the number of sales and its current inventory.

Simple purchase report

Simple sales report

Account circulation report in order of date

Balance report of accounts and persons

Procedures and functions available in the only project module object:

The procedure for creating links with database tables

The procedure for removing the above links

A function to copy the client database file to the server that specifies the status of the operation with a Boolean value.

A function that determines the user's login status or not.

A procedure that stores the user code of the current user in edited database records to identify which user performed the operation.

Store accounting training with Access
Store accounting training with Access

product: Store accounting training with Access

price: 60,000 Tomans ($0.7)

Seller: hamed2007k

Seller phone: 09375457037 - 09301001216

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عیسی برجسته (Buyer) Code: 48510

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Dollar: 82,321TomansBitcoin: 94,325 $
Support: hamed2007k
09375457037 - 09301001216