Design program for tempered glass wall, trial version

Design program for tempered glass wall, trial version

Seller: delphihelp
Delivery method: File download link
Price chart Price: 30,000 Tomans ($0.5)

The program for designing tempered glass for glass walls is for designing tempered glass for offices, shops, stores, squash halls, and partitions.

Tempered glass design software for glass walls is the first Iranian software for designing all types of tempered glass (unbreakable) for use in glass walls of offices, shops, stores, squash halls, glass partitions, etc. is

By using Sekorit glass design software, you can save your time and send your glasses to the factories that produce these types of glasses for production in the shortest possible time.

Features of glass wall design software:

Ability to categorize factories and product manufacturers

Ability to collect customer information

The possibility of inserting infinite orders in the software

The possibility of designing glasses in different dimensions

The possibility of designing all kinds of standard fittings used in tempered glass

The possibility of determining the exact location of each fitting in the order piece

Strict control on each part to avoid design mistakes

The possibility of printing the designed parts of each order

Ability to send orders by email to manufacturers

Ability to register sales invoices automatically for each order

The possibility of adding other consumable items for each order in the sales invoice

The possibility of reporting the amount of your received orders

This program has been tested on all Windows.

Installation file format: exe

To purchase the original version of the tempered glass design program, visit

Design program for tempered glass wall, trial version
Design program for tempered glass wall, trial version

product: Design program for tempered glass wall, trial version

price: 30,000 Tomans ($0.5)

Seller: delphihelp

Seller phone: 04432258694 - 09120665023

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عبدالفتاح عرب زاده Code: 48520

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Dollar: 58,468TomansBitcoin: 68,138 $
Support: delphihelp
04432258694 - 09120665023