The source file of registration and attendance of school students under Access is completely open and can be changed.
This program can be used as a simple software for recording and reporting.
Fully automated with VBA programming codes
Coded function to check the validity of the national code based on the Civil Registry Office algorithm (can be used in other Access projects).
Functions to convert Gregorian to solar date and perform calculations on date (can be used in other projects).
The procedure for creating Excel output from queries by receiving the query name.
File format: Access 2007 and applicable in later versions
including six tables, seven queries, eleven forms and subforms, and four report items.
Anticipated duties:
- Registration of students' details (name, surname, national code, home phone number, father's mobile phone, mother's mobile phone) with the possibility of searching/filtering based on the mentioned items, viewing the report and getting the Excel output with one click.
- Introduction of classes (class name, professor, group)
- Registration of students in introduced classes (only by selecting the name of the class and entering the student's national code).
- Registration of students' attendance in classes (date, class, description as the main items of the attendance list). After entering the date and choosing the class, all the students - registered in that class will be automatically entered into the list and marked as "present" by default; As a result, it is enough to mark the few people who are probably absent as "absent" with one click.
- Ability to view and print the report of the attendance and absence list in the previous case by clicking the command button.
- Attendance and absence report of students with the possibility of filtering based on the historical period, selecting a special national code to report the attendance and absence of the desired student, selecting the teacher, class and group with simple and separate outputs (separating those present and absent in two separate groups) and Also, get the output file in Excel format by clicking the command button.
- Defining program users and assigning passwords to them.